Friday 11 May 2012

Wearing in my hiking boots...

So this morning, I realize with dread, is exactly 6 weeks to departure for Russia...and I've only worn my new hiking boots once on a hike and twice around town...not good at all Candy!!

So we have planned a few hikes in the coming weekends, but until then - the next best thing is to wear them when and where ever I can!
And this brings me to I am at work today in my 'gorgeous' hiking boots, now the few people who know me quite well are all informed and understand was only when I walked up to other colleagues that I suddenly realized why they were checking my feet out....wahahaha, they must think what a dodge chick this is!!!

Anyway it's for the greater good, so I'm not stressing, I'll just keep reminding myself why I'm getting strange looks all day!

Maybe later I will take them 'off-road' - there are a couple of bushes out here in the parking lot!


  1. Look like the Asolo boots. Break them in!

  2. Hi there! Yes they are Asolo! They are lighter than the La Sportiva so I gave them a try! So far so good!
